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1 John 4:1-3 New King James Version
4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess [a]that Jesus [b]Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

Guys, this is something that has been burdening my heart for a long time, and while I have done vlogs on this, reading this morning's scripture really prompted me to re share the things that I've said on this, because it's necessary. It’s necessary, because we are seeing literal examples of false teaching going on in our world today, false teachers who are perverting the name of Jesus, though not only denying the deity of Christ and teaching falsehoods through Catholicism, the FLDS, and many other false teachers, but also we have people who claim to be saved and love the Lord, in denominations that teach utter lies, such as man worship, worshiping a translation of scripture, and much more!

It's why I want to share some things with all of you through what I learned from this passage of scripture, as well as others that I have read and done vlogs on tonight, and I pray that what I share with you, challenges, motivates, and encourages you to read the scriptures every day, and test everything that you hear somebody say that they claim is from God's word come against God's actual word itself, so that you won't be deceived. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends, and learn how to With God's help, stand firm against these deceitful things! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they'll be used of God to help you beyond the lookout for false teachers and false teaching.

How do you watch for false teachers today?

What will help you read, reflect on, and respond to Scripture?

If the Holy Spirit is trying to warn you of something, don't ignore that warning, but listen to Him, and to act on it! If someone’s claiming to be speaking for God, telling you that doesn't ring well with you, go to God's Word, examine what they are saying the scriptures. If what they are saying, is not in line with God’s Word, don’t be afraid to speak out against it, and if you need to RUN from that person/false teaching now! Remember, my friends, that God has given us His Word, as well as His Holy Spirit, to help give us discernment and wisdom when it comes to these things, so we need to listen to both of them.



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