Arctic Tensions Rise: Trump's Greenland Plan Amid US-Russia Geopolitical Rivalry - WorldEye

1 month ago

Arctic Tensions Rise: Trump's Greenland Plan Amid US-Russia Geopolitical Rivalry - #WorldEye

US President-elect Donald Trump is considering military action to capture Greenland from Denmark, as Russia becomes a rival for Arctic supremacy. Norway's Svalbard islands could attract Russian President Vladimir Putin's imperialist eye. Tensions have escalated, with Russia accusing Norway of human rights violations and launching a polar research center.

#ArcticTensions #Greenland #USRussia #Geopolitics #Trump #ArcticSecurity #Russia #Svalbard #GlobalPolitics #OilAndGas #NationalSecurity #PolarRegion #GreenlandDebate #ArcticSupremacy #InternationalRelations

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