Live Broadcast: Wildfire Judgment

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Prophetic Word from 1/9/25

Tell My people My judgment is here to wipe out all the evil. The fires, watch what I do, O, United States. Hollywood elites, the evil entertainment business. It falls now. I’m done with the perversion, idolatry, and witchcraft that takes place over entertainment. Let this be a sign to you, O United States, of My power and sovereignty. I reign supreme and no evil will befall this land for My kingdom reigns supreme. Evil is being wiped off the face of the map. Children, pray and be diligent, for it shall come near you and affect you, but not destroy you. I will protect mine anointed. Do not worry about provision, stockpiling. Didn’t I provide for My people in the wilderness before? Am I not God? I perform great miracles. Therefore be diligent. Pray. War on behalf of this nation. War through prayer. Stand up, My children. Enter My army. Follow My instructions for battle. I shall teach you how to war. This is My war on evil. Hearts will turn to Me in this devastation. Know that your God will step in and protect. Listen diligently to My voice speak through these times. I have warned of this. It is here and it is not finished until I clear out all the corruption and evil of this nation. Stay close. I’m shaking the church. I’m shaking the church. Be close. I shake and clean out My church. Repent, for My time is at hand for judgment in this land, says the Lord.

Scriptural References:
1 Peter 4:17--Judgment comes to the house of God first
Deut 5:6-10--Idolotry
Matt 6:5-15--Jesus' teaching on Prayer
Matt 6:33-Seek first the Kingdom of God

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