Twitch Streamers, Fighting games Foolishness

2 months ago

swooping by,
my Recovery , if ever, is extremely slow, permanent. So i made something , whilst on bed most of the time.
Twitch Streamers, that i watch , engage in chat rodeo circus, of girls streams. LURKER based, but not bad lurker in any means. As-in creepy people that do it for some ill reason. I dont think having a sexual interest in streamers is deemed creepster? im pretty sure im right, with the correct fundamentals.
im sure you watch girl streams for just normal sake , guys.
im not sure if girls even bother to watch guys streams unless
hes NINJA. So powerlevels are lopsided.

Now girls can do this wierd application, called BF application, and get over 9000 Dicksters quick.
Men, not really. Even if your TopG ( AndrewTate ).
[ i abuse this rule ]

now, i do have a commission on my X / Twitter, its high priced,
since i havent offically sexd with anyone , its not a me problem,
its me being a guy problem. in other words a Male problem. i talk about toxic Masculinity , the big M ( marriage and why it doesnt work in general, no i was never married nor will i ever be. )
My intent is to have over 9000 F ratios. Females that is.
this always has been in my mind, just like any male thing.
Females are the attractors.
and men ( that dont get married/attached to 1 because desperation ),

we ARE

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