1 month ago

"Come the Sun! Come the Sun!
The Sun will rise on the Chosen one!
Come the Sun! Come the Sun!
When he is risen, the war is won!


Goddamn your evil heart and eyes,
The bad will perish and the good will rise.
Killing us off for profit and fun,
You thought the global war was won.

Come the Sun! Come the Sun!
The Sun will rise on the Chosen one!
Come the Sun! Come the Sun!
When he is risen, the war is won!

People all over, rising up.
Seems that they have had enough.
Retribution overdue.
Reject the rule of the Global Few!

The bought and paid for all in place,
How could THEY possibly lose the race?
But they forgot one simple lesson,
The folks with whom the bought were messin'!

The traitor within the enterprise,
Imposes rule by guile and guise,
But we are woken to the lies.
So, it should come as no surprise.
That people rage when children die,
And seek to remedy, rectify.
Because you cannot kill us all,
You can't avoid your own downfall!"

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