Proverbs 8: Lady Wisdom

1 month ago

Who or what is that? Proverbs chapter 8 speaks of wisdom almost as if it was a person, an entity, of being, or personality that God has created. Many have taken it to be metaphorical and not literal, a way of learning about wisdom by comparing it to being a person. On the other hand of taking this to be literal, and that wisdom is indeed something that God created as a personal entity, and that wisdom is embodied by that one. I’m not sure either way, but I will comply with God‘s word either way.

My purpose in this video is to tell you who this entity, literal or metaphorical, is NOT. It’s not Jesus Christ, it’s not the Holy Spirit, it’s not Mary, the mother of Jesus, and His half brothers James, and Jude.

If it’s metaphorical, then it’s just a way of thinking about wisdom. , We have to believe God’s word and allow God to tell us what he says is true, then it would be an entity or being that God created, therefore, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit would’ve been involved in creating her just like God, father. Since father son and Holy Spirit are Trinity.

I believe, especially in the present day it is possible that chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) is a possibility and something that we should have some level of preparation for even if we are not at Ground Zero, the possibility of radiation, biological warfare, or the release of chemicals, or other effects of unrestricted and nuclear war are possible. We have seen that such as the east Palestine, Ohio train derailment chemical fill, the various suspicious wildfires facing the United States, and the wars in Ukraine in the Middle East. I have been graciously gifted with an affiliate code to give you a 10% discount from anything you purchase at MIRA safety systems Inc., and if you would like to support me or this channel or the work that is being done here in the name of Jesus then you may use the link below in order to get that discount, which will also provide me with revenue. It’s up to you. Thank you.

Jesus, Lord.
That is all.

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