Farscape - 2x13 - Look At The Princess, P3 The Maltese Crichton - Sci-Fi Channel Promo Re-Creation

1 month ago

This is a re-creation of the Sci-Fi Channel 30 sec Promo for Farscape episode 2x13, Look At The Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton

I decided it's time to revive these once lost promos. Each promo is re-created using shot for shot what the Sci-Fi Channel used in their promotional clips during commercial breaks.

All graphics are reconstructed (as best as possible) either from scratch or poor-hancing actual footage. Audio is directly from the pre-recorded Sci-Fi Channel promo.

Years of sitting in a storage tote has saved my VHS as best as possible, slight hissing had to be removed in post and a few audio levels raised. The audio still has a bit of a muffle sound to it. The recording for the original promo was taken back in July of 2000, VHS degradation is a real thing.

A few things about this one. There is a re-created error in this promo. When Sci-Fi put this one together, they had a hiccup at the end. The text overlay for the time slot extended to the "Summer of Sci Fi" screen. I did a bit of audio manipulation to enhance the mono track by extracting, cleaning up and re-inserting audio samples (vocals) to bring out the dialogue. I've been working to clean up the "Summer of Sci Fi" to make it more crisp and clear. Only a few more episodes have the "Summer of Sci Fi" left.

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