2 months ago

DEI Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
From Affirmative Action to DEI, the seeds of our destruction.

Long ago Affirmative Action [now largely DEI] reared its ugly head. Granted, the US Supreme Court recently ruled affirmative action programs unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Still many firms and government agencies refuse to abandon the practice. What really hurts here is that, despite the bigotry of DEI, Americans are largely ignorant of just how much damage these insidious policies have caused.

Racial resentment is exacerbated when a person is hired not for his or her qualifications but for color, sex, disability, etc. When applying for home loans [a disappearing thing] a disproportionate number of Blacks are still approved and an even more disproportionate number of non-blacks are disapproved. Under HUD affirmative action policies, there are quotas set for approving black home buyers as opposed to non-black.

Quotas still exist for home loan approvals for blacks. Now, there’s only just so much money to go around, but under myriad programs administered by HUD it’s still spread on a 50/50 basis. How does a 50/50 split apply to a group that only occupies 12% of the population.

Do you see the problem here? Young first-time homebuyers are either approved or disapproved with a formula that prioritized the color of their skin. Government programs favor well over 50% of their applications from blacks and many programs are reserved exclusively for black Americans.

When government or corporate America bestows unfair advantage and blessings on one race over any other it breeds a resentment that is understandable. From government jobs at all levels to college scholarships to small business loans and more, the affirmative action policies of the past 50plus years have gone a long way toward keeping blacks and non-blacks at each others’ throats.

Move up to today, and to Boeing Aircraft and NASA. Their affirmative action, now dubbed DEI, more than contributed to a number of aircraft failures and loss of human life. Boeing’s 737s seem most susceptible to manufacturing defect. A closer look at the plants where the 737s are assembled shows a hugely disproportionate DEI staff. A Space Force investigation showed over 86 Boeing employees who were hired to perform jobs and duties for which they were obviously unqualified. Their investigation of NASA showed a whopping 114 employees hired to perform tasks way above their capability or qualification.

Why are we still doing this? Why don’t we stand up and let the government know that we don’t owe American blacks a damned thing! Neither apology, special status, or financial reparations are owed. Slavery has been gone for over 150 years so get over it!

Why don’t Americans stand up and let the handicapped and otherwise crippled either mentally or physically, that we don’t ‘owe’ them a damned thing? Out of decency we should leave parking spaces closest to businesses and government buildings open for them. But it’s wrong to make it law. That’s DEI. It’s wrong when what ‘should be courtesy’ is shoved down our throats as a regulation or even law. It’s a case of, “Be courteous or pay a fine.”

We don’t ‘owe’ people with severely disabling conditions jobs for which they aren’t fully qualified. We don’t ‘owe’ them anything except the respect we give to anyone so disadvantaged.

It’s gone from the ridiculous to the sublime. Television, motion pictures, print media and on and on have surrendered to DEI. Good luck finding a television commercial without a black principle character. Yes, blacks do make up nearly 12% of the nation’s population but DEI casts them in over 87% of broadcast television advertising. In some ads it’s so obviously pandering to blacks; I’m surprised black Americans aren’t complaining about it!

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