The Doors -- Light My Fire & Riders on the Storm

2 months ago

Poor California. Poor Lahaina. It looks so similar. The silence from officials seems very similar. The winds and sparks and embers looks very similar.
Is anyone else waiting to see an unscathed house with a blue roof in the next few days?
Is anyone else reluctantly waiting for parents to ask tight-lipped elected officials to tell them where their children are? That would have to be the final last straw for everyone.
Another Wildfire where homes and autos burn and nothing else.
Is metal a common denominator in this? I am sure it has nothing to do with the pH of the soild, but probably more to do with the BS governing, allegedly. California.
We have all known for years that the water in Cali has been mismanaged, as well as diverted into the sea on account of a Snail Darter, but how much water does an endangered Snail Darter require?
My gut tells me that lakes and ponds and resevoirs do no create global warming. They may generate humidity, but that leads to rain, which cools and nurtures the soil and allows it to be less crispy, even to microwaves and the like Down in the D.E.W.
As usual, more questions than answers.
If all this shit we are witnessing isn't abundantly clear to be right in your face by now, I will get around to praying for you after I finish praying for Lahaina, North Carolina and L.A.

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