The 7 Noahide Laws: Universal Morality. October 31st 2002.

1 month ago

The 10 Commandments is what is in the King James Bible.
That only has its place in the life of a Believer in Jesus Christ.

7 Noahide Laws is a man made set of rules by Talmudic Rabbis, Sages, Adepts a construct of laws for Gentile/Goyim/Cattle by the Synagogue of Satan. Judaism.

A UNIVERSAL Law that has its place in the US Constitution since they applied Education and Sharing Day in the 1990's. 2018 Trump gets states to sign Proclamations to uphold the 7 Noahide laws in his first term.

It will likely become Universal Globally by or in the last 42 Months which is the book of Revelation which is called Great Tribulation. It will fulfil scriptures in the book of Revelation that says people will kill one another in service to G-d and behead those who have the witness of Jesus in that time of Great Tribulation.

There is only one way to salvation which is Eternal Life.
Which is through Jesus Christ no man can see the Father.

The G-d that Chabad Judaism speaks of is:
Lucifer, Satan The Devil.
Barack Hussein Obama the man.

Google. 7 Noahide Laws. Or any other search engine.

The first article that comes up is dated 31st October 2002.
None of the other links have a date. (By design) Programming.

That speaks to me and says that this is the first official whitepaper on the
7 Noahide Laws on the official International website.

Learn about how the seven rules that all human beings must keep, according to Jewish tradition, to live in harmony and peace. ???. (Really?)

Not what my King James Bible Genesis to Revelation says.


+ 1318 Weeks (Revelation 13:18) The 666/216 Man.

= 3rd February 2028. Obama hits 66th Year 6th Month milestone. (666)

Obama's last 666 of his life on his way to his 70th Birthday
(840th Month) = 4.8.2031

The 7 Noahide Laws: Universal Morality. 31st Oct.2002.

Who Keeps the Noahide Laws?

Nobody needs to convert or join a particular church or temple to keep these principles and laws. But it is important to keep them because this is what the supreme G-d (Who is that?) wants of every one of us, and not only because they are wise and good laws.

Anyone who keeps these basic rules for that reason - regardless of race, nationality or culture is considered a righteous person (A Noahide?) and granted eternal life upon leaving this world.

Sorry. That's not what the only begotten Son of God said and taught as found in the King James Bible in Genesis to Revelation.

Trump talks death penalty all the time. He calls for all who expose or speak of Jews and Judaism in any way other than to Idolatrize and obey them to be silenced and removed from this earth.

Chapter 13 Revelation and its 18 verses are at play right here right now.

The elite schedule everything to the number of his name.

They use the constraints of time and space to fulfill their objectives, plans, in service to Lucifer, The Dragon, Satan, The Devil.

Obama is the 1st Beast man of Revelation chapter 13 and Pope Francis is the 2nd beast man the False Prophet.

Time is running out to 2030.

Repent. Turn from your sin. Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved today while there is still time and you have breath.

Get yourself a Evidence Bible and a King James Bible and start the journey to faith in Jesus and gain eternal life in Christ (Messiah) Jesus.

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