Sabbath Message (Audio) for 12/11/47/120 - 11/01/2025

2 months ago

Sabbath 12/11/47/120

Dear Friends,

Today is the Second Sabbath of the Eleventh Month called Shebat in Modern Judaism and the Hillel Calendar is a month out in 2024 compared to the Temple Calendar.

We have commenced to study the background to Islam with the papers Introduction to the Commentary on the Koran (No. Q001), the Chronology of the Koran (No. Q001B), Myths and Fabrications in and of Islam (No. Q001C), and Chronology of the Koran Part II: Becca and the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs (No. Q001D). This Sabbath we will continue on with Q001C and next Sabbath we will study Q001D. We have constructed videos on the Rumble site for all the papers and the Koran videos are with the others on

We are about to move into the Wars of the Last Days and the commencement is in the Middle East and will extend from the Shia Israeli conflicts with Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran on over the Sunni systems also, and into the conflicts with the Kurds and others in Iran. We are seeing the destruction of the Syrian systems to destroy the Iranian war transport over Syria which was more secure under the Assad Regime and is now being destroyed systematically.

We are also seeing the move to destroy Trump and the new administration. They will try to destroy and kill Trump, including the administration and the Globalists are getting agitated over the prospect of Trump deporting all their criminal trash back, and their political leaders in Central and South America are making threats about removing US military bases from their soil if Trump persists with the deportations. At last the US has a spine and is going to stamp out this child trafficking across the borders and the blatant misuse of women and children and the killing of our people with drugs and crime. They are now desperate to kill Trump and stop the clean-up with Martial Law. The US military has to deal with the Mexican Cartels and if necessary, invade Mexico and wipe the criminal cartels out. What they do is against God's Law and they must be exterminated. Some nations are refusing to take back these and quarantine criminals who are about to be deported, and there will be a nation which will opt to take them and quarantine them. What they have to do is to aggressively deal with the nations refusing to take this criminal trash back and deal with their politicians and if necessary declare war and hostilities against them.

The US has one chance and that is to act now to arrest and execute the globalist traitors among them, as must AU, NZ, UK and EU. If those nations will not act to clean up their Globalist traitors among the ALP, Greens, Teals and Libs then they will have to face a civil war until they are cleaned up and cleaned out. The Muslims engaging in child trafficking and abuse of young females have to be destroyed. If they do not clean themselves up, then God will hand them over to the Beast power and those nations will occupy them and enslave them until the Messiah and the host arrive from 2028. God will commence to get their attention under the Witnesses after the coming war of Rev. 9:13-19 over this year.

The Churches of God will find God dealing with them first and foremost. We have the next few years to repent and if our people do not repent then they will be destroyed and put to the sword. When the Messiah returns we will have repented or we will die. Sardis and Laodicea will have repented or they will be killed before the millennial system commences. We have done our job and we did not expect the people to repent as Scripture indicated that not even the Churches of God fully repent. They seem comfortable with their heresies. That is all about to change, and their comfort zone will disappear.

Remember Matthew 10:23. You have to have the Seal of God to survive that ordeal.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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