Psychotic [Warning: Disturbing]

28 days ago

Tweets from JesseJoMartinez Twitter.
Music: Dido - Thank You Instrumental.
- David.
Staff Legal Notice: Jesse Martinez in real life (Different than the character Jesse Jo Martinez) was fraudulently, illegally diagnosed by Community as being "psychotic" and "aggressive" with no supporting evidence after being denied while in forced captivity the ability to speak with any lawyers or psychologists of choice. No lawful psychology tests were performed prior to the diagnosis by Dr. Ting of Community - who was later caught committing perjury in court. Direct, Malicious Falsification of Medical Records can yield 90+ year prison sentences and penalties of $750,000,000 US Dollars or more due to risk created for the victim including death from illegal treatment or drugging, poisoning via illegally prescribed medications against victims will. These are all facts and will pass any and all fact checks. As of 2025 Community has never paid for nor apologized for inflicting COVID19 upon Jesse Martinez nor for the falsified medical records nor for inhumane treatment during captivity. Jesse Martinez for public record was almost stabbed in the face to death one night by the roommate he was placed with - who was truly mentally afflicted by something. A Court Ruling declared Jesse was never a danger to self or others at any point in time. Despite this - Jesse has been treated by law enforcement unlawfully as still having psychosis or some falsified record diagnosis'. Law enforcement has never apologized either after almost murdering Jesse on two occasions.

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