UNIT Never Say Sorry (featuring Matt Walsh).

2 months ago

Note: all tracks recorded under the names Academy 23 or UNIT are the property of DNA Records and protected by copyright, regardless of who wrote the works concerned. This is a track from our 51st album ‘Neither Slave Nor Master’.

When Marxist maniacs form a crowd,
then tell us free speech is not allowed,
don’t be bullied, don’t be cowed...
don’t back down. Be strong and proud!
BLM, Antifa, Planned Parenthood:
they’d turn us into socialists if they could
so when they moan, whine and complain
hit them hard, hit them fast – hit them again!

Against this scum stand firm and strong;
chuck them in the gutter where they belong.
It’s our duty; it’s our job.
Never say sorry to the mob.

When woke fanatics bawl and wail,
telling you girls are really male,
filling your head with another fairy tale...
you know we cannot afford to fail.
Baby killers and child molesters
masquerade as peace protestors,
letting drug dealers over the borders...
commies in China give their orders.

Against this scum stand proud and strong;
shove them in the sewers where they belong.
It’s our duty; it’s our job.
Never say sorry to the mob.

Andy Martin – Vocals, Hammond Organ, Piano, Korg M1.
Keilan Knight – 5 String Bass Guitar.
Colin Murrell – Drums.
Matt Walsh – Voice.

Text & Music – Andy Martin.
Additional text – Matt Walsh.

If you are interested in the work of 2 earlier groups, The Apostles (1982-1989) and Academy 23 (1990-1997), each related to certain members of UNIT, their complete recorded works can now be found on our Bit Chute channel. Type Bit Chute Andy Martin to locate it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The paypal address is now ctmurrell1970@gmail.com.

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