The Truth Behind COVID: The Controversial Connection of Gain-of-Function Research and the Pandemic

2 months ago

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Breaking News: New Discoveries About COVID-19 and Its Origins

In this video you will see congressional hearing testimony involving :
Fauci 'Prompted' and possibly paid Scientists To Fabricate 'Proximal Origins' Paper Ruling Out Lab-Leak!


Former CDC director delivers a bombshell testimony at House hearing on COVID-19 origins!

Did COVID-19 start as a forbidden love affair between a horseshoe bat and a pangolin, or was it a bioweapon experiment gone awry? Hold on to your seats for explosive congressional evidence! #BatPangolinPassion #FaucisFumble #LaughYourWayToImmunity

Let us talk about plausible deniability for bioengineering a super virus. If it takes hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years for a virus to mutate into one that affects humans, then studying gain-of-function loses its purpose. Even if it takes hundreds of years, our technology will advance enough to deal with any potential new virus the second it comes out.

So a smarter idea would be: WAIT FOR THE VIRUS TO COME OUT AND THEN SOLVE IT. It is unethical and insanity to engineer a super virus just to see if we can cure it, especially if it may never even mutate to affect humans.

The underlying fact will always remain, Fauci, has a long history of
1. Promoting,
2. advocating,
3. defending,
4. and funding “Gain of Function” research. Let his desperate denials fall on deaf ears.

People lost jobs exercising their Democratic right to refuse the vaccine.

In Europe and Canada still, today Governments are taxing or fining their citizens if they do not take the vaccine. Not Russia but Nato countries are enforcing these fascist policies.


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