UNIT Mr Low, Mr High.

14 days ago

Note: all tracks recorded under the names Academy 23 or UNIT are the property of DNA Records and protected by copyright, regardless of who wrote the works concerned. This is the title track from our 51st album ‘Neither Slave Nor Master’.

Mr Low, people want to know why you think you’re so superior to all of us.
As for me, in all honesty, as far as I’m concerned, you’re not worth the fuss.
Mr High, people ask me why you think you have the right to tell us what to say.
As for me, as far as I can see, speaking to you is a waste of time anyway.

Watch out – the middle classes are about!
They want to tell us what to say and do.
Watch out – the middle classes are about!
It won’t be long before they’re coming after you.

Mr Low, I think you should know you’re not as smart as you believe yourself to be.
As for me, my friends and I agree, it would be lovely if you disappeared utterly.
Mr High, people ask me why your tepid brain is unaware of what your fate is.
As for me, as far as I can see, you still remain locked in the 1980s.

Watch out – the middle classes are about!
How can we stop them being such a bunch of berks?
Watch out – the middle classes are about!
Well, I find a punch in the mouth generally works.

Mr Low, I think you should know you’re not as smart as you believe yourself to be.
As for me, my friends and I agree, it would be lovely if you disappeared utterly.

Watch out – the middle classes are about!
How can we stop them being such a bunch of berks?
Watch out – the middle classes are about!
Well, I find a punch in the mouth generally works.

Andy Martin – Vocals, Hammond Organ, Clavinet, Mini Moog, Tenor Saxophone.
Keilan Knight – 5 String Bass Guitar.
Colin Murrell – Drums, Vibraphone, Alto Saxophone.

Text & Music – Andy Martin.

If you are interested in the work of 2 earlier groups, The Apostles (1982-1989) and Academy 23 (1990-1997), each related to certain members of UNIT, their complete recorded works can now be found on our Bit Chute channel. Type Bit Chute Andy Martin to locate it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The paypal address is now ctmurrell1970@gmail.com.

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