UNIT A Brief History Of Black Inventors.

2 months ago

Note: all tracks recorded under the names Academy 23 or UNIT are the property of DNA Records and protected by copyright, regardless of who wrote the works concerned. This is a track from our 51st album ‘Neither Slave Nor Master’.

White supremacists – brainless and bigoted – tell you black people are mentally inferior.
They have not studied their recent history, if they had then they would not feel quite so superior.

Yan Metzlinger invented the automatic shoe elasticating machine.
Charles Brooks invented the automatic street sweeper.
Frederick Jones invented refrigeration systems for trucks and other vehicles.
Garrett Morgan invented the traffic signal and the gas mask.

C J Walker invented cosmetics for dark skinned people; the first female millionaire.
Henrietta Bradbury invented underwater cannons to launch torpedoes from submarines.
Charles Drew invented the blood bank and comprehended the use of plasma.
Daniel Williams performed the first successful open heart surgery.

Louis Latimer invented the first light bulb filament that endured for more than 2 days.
Andrew Beard invented the automatic railway carriage coupler.
Elijah McCoy invented the automatic lubricator for railway engines –
it was so successful it spawned inferior copies – but people preferred ‘the real McCoy’.

White supremacists – brainless and bigoted – tell you black people are mentally inferior.
They have not studied their recent history, if they had then they would not feel quite so superior.

Text & Music – Andy Martin.

Andy Martin – Vocals, Hammond Organ, ARP 2600, Tenor Saxophone.
Keilan Knight – 5 String Bass Guitar.
Colin Murrell – Drums, Vibraphone, Alto Saxophone.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The paypal address is now ctmurrell1970@gmail.com.

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