2024 Recap! Top Events of the Year: Face to Face w Dion & Shawn

1 month ago

2024's year in review: From Daniel Penny, P Diddy, and Assad, to Donald Trump, there was no shortage of wild and interesting events that happened in 2024.

We each put together our list of top 10 events and compare them.

What do you think we got right?
How would you have rated these?

Yes, #DDD is BACK!
A full update is coming soon (motorcycle accident, multiple family members passing away, and a lot more) but we wanted to at least throw you a (content) bone. :p

In all seriousness, uploads are resuming, and there's a lot more coming.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and we're looking forward to reporting a lot more in the near future.

#DionsDailyDose #2024Recap #2025IsHere #WhoOrderedThis

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