Pop Song 617 'Box of Rain' Grateful Dead 1970

2 months ago

Pop Song 617 'Box of Rain' Grateful Dead 1970

Thanks to Michael Pratt for introducing this song.

Live MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBFhHNlrM3o


According to lyricist Hunter, Lesh "wanted a song to sing to his dying father
Lesh: And at that time, my dad was dying of cancer, and I would drive out to visit with him, in the hospital, and also at the nursing home he spent his final days in, and after Bob gave me the lyrics, on the way out there I would practice singing the song. I sort of identified that song with my dad and his approaching death.

This deep connection that Phil feels with “Box of Rain” is one that is shared by many. The lyrics speak to a universal appreciation for life and its beauty, depicting it as a journey where everyone is simply trying to find their own way.

It also expresses a pure kind of love for fellow humans, felt through both the arrangement and the lyrics, with the general desire to help others find their way, especially during difficult times.

According to “Box of Rain”, these emotions and desires are that have been felt since the beginning of time, and we’re all just here to experience it for a short blip (a lifetime’s worth), although the world will surely keep turning in our absence.

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