1 Thessalonians Chapter 3 - Marianne Manley

1 month ago

Paul was worried about how the Thessalonian’s faith was holding up under persecution.
Paul sent Timothy a member of the body of Christ to find out how they were doing and Silvanus (Silas) a member of the “little flock” (Luke 12:32) accompanied him.
Paul was thrilled with Timothy’s great report and they are hungry to learn more.
They had faith and charity, but were weak in their hope, so Pau emphasized it in this letter.
We can endure almost anything if we know we will be “caught up” to live with God in heaven.
Satan relentlessly attacks our heavenly hope.
They had been praying night and day for them.
Paul wants to teach them more since his ministry to them was cut short.
The Kingdom of God is made up of two realms, heaven and earth (Eph. 1:10). There has been rebellion in both realms and God has a plan.
The Father’s 2-fold eternal purpose is to reclaim earth through Israel, and reclaim heaven through the body of Christ.
Why does understanding the Gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 matter?
How did the Lord Jesus Christ preauthorize the writings of the little flock?
What about the coming of the Holy Ghost?

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