This Is Not Okay

2 months ago

This Dad questions a California school board, on the content of what his daughter is being taught. The assignment in question involves standing in a circle, “Each of you is now gay or lesbian and you are about to start your coming out process”

This has nothing to do with education, and everything to do with grooming children. The more adults normalize sex to children the easier it is to abuse them sexually.

This must stop!

Mama Bears encourages all parents to be involved in their child’s daily activities at school. Don’t trust that the school/teachers’ values are the same as yours. Our children are being exposed more and more to sexual content in the classroom, all under the guise of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. You will be told that SOGI is not part of the curriculum so no need for concern. It is intertwined into their daily education, aka posters in the hallway. This is nothing more than grooming children.

To help you monitor and protect your child while at school visit our website tips and tools on how to keep your child safe from this attack on their innocence.

Should you become aware of anything disturbing like the above please email us the information so we can share with other parents.

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