Animal Expression - 25-0107

2 months ago

Animal Expression - 25-0107

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AMAZlNGNATURE - These retired racehorses are now sea horses living their best life. This slice of heaven is called Nihi Sumba, a forgotten island in Indonesia

CuteAdorableCat - Owner adopts kitten for lonely cat and this is how it went

depressionlesss - his eyes tell that he knows he is loved 😻

depressionlesss - This adorable kitty climbed on him while he was applying to adopt her at the cat shelter 🥺❤️

PostsOfCats - he will never admit it, but he loooves them

PostsOfCats - I just want everyone to look at this cat🥺

Yoda4ever - Dogs happiness after seeing their baby take first steps..🐕🐾❤️😅

Yoda4ever - Dog's reaction to meeting a new puppy for the first time..🐕🐾🐶😊

Yoda4ever - Little lamb doesn't want petting to be stopped..🐑😍 📹Ieewalters35

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