Life Situation inside Iran ☓ my #brutalHonesty is way too #HONEST for You❗

1 month ago

Life Situation inside Iran ☓ my #brutalHonesty is way too #HONEST for You❗

"#knull = #null = #godofthevoid is talking! You will #haveTo Listen Up & #suck my #brutalHonesty this time ‼️‼️‼️or else---> #theyallmeetthesamefate || #farbetter zXz #similarFates ‼️", ~#forMyTRUTH 1---👁️ 0---||---0💥---1 ‼️ask #them f=1 & u=2 perhaps they can also tell you a thing or two & I like #them 💜 X 💜 ---> Link (is still being processed since their entire crew probably has a difficult time handling me right now! my intensity is way too intense & I'm brutally Honest & Transparent about EVERYTHING and I had to publish this video on Facebook as well just now so I had to edit this post here too !!! since the following link 👇-below doesn't seem to be working for now!!! anyways...) keep these links regardless & refresh them all wait for more video files and folders to appear on that mobidrive too (perhaps I will give you a thing or two or three or four since you keep pissing me off by celebrating shit here around me & at the same time nothing seems to be changing when it comes to me not even still having the chance to properly talk to my #nextGirlfriend on a physical level & believe me when I say #they are #thisClose to me, they could be and ARE ---> #rightHere !!! stop these delays and be quick before I lose whatever sanity I got left !!! Alright Goddammit... ---> here's the Video Streamable on Facebook for Now (the tikTock link doesn't seem to be working! use facebook until further notice! perhaps I'll upload this to Telegram & Other Places too! :
Keep Refreshing This One :

Alright... ✅ ☓ ✅

👋 please #watch it on #TikTock for now because I don't feel like re-uploading the same file to each and every single platform right now! & that's like not even 1% of #mySideOfTheStory ‼️

Hashtags :

#truthkast #lifeinIRAN #IransEconomy #familyWar #brutalHonesty #illuminatiAlienOminatiLevels #ofTruth #riseOfAshTubersLikeMeWillEndAllEvilOnEarth #imAnAlien #Persian #theyTriedToEraseUsFromHistory #theyAreStillDoingIt #fuckMyFuckedUpDadAndHisMoneyWhichisMyMoney #MoneyWorshipping #moneyWorshipper #moneyWorshippingCocksucker #motherFuckersDontTellMeWhatIcantsay #noOneCanControlMe #iCandoAnythingNow #theresNoStoppingMe #youCantKillMyTruth #toHellwithWhoeverSaysImTooIntenseorThatIAmtheEvilortheBadGuyWhenIAmJustAVictim #giveUponMakingMeGiveUp #iAmAWarrior #intelligenceHood #beingSmartshouldntbeaCrimeOnThisGodForsakenEarth #godsHaveForsakenYouButIHaveNot #IHateDuplicationWhenINormallyUsuallywouldntneedtoRepeatNothingsoHelpMeMeetMyArtistBeatifulGirlAlreadyAndSaveMefromThisFuckedUpnessAndDontPushMeMoreThanThis #iWannaMeetYou #forMySpecialONE #iAmWaitingForYou #sendMeanSMSorSomethingPleaseAndLetsMeetUp #iamSureSheCanCalmMeDown #thisNewOneOfCourse #iAmNotReferringToMyExesYouMorons #iHaveBeenHavingAVeryBeautifulGirlUnderMyRadarforaWhileNow #theyAreVeryCloseToMe #iNeedthemtoKnowIwouldDoAnythingForThem #iAmNotWhatIShowOnline #iAmjustPuttingThisOutTheretoMakeSomeShitTransparentASFUCKitselfis #imlosingmyself #imalsoLoveStruck #icouldnthaveimaginedthislevelofmadness❗

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