The Colorado Crash Out

1 month ago

At the recent Colorado General Assembly start up session for #Colorado. Senate President James @ColemanforCo Has announced the Demcrate heavy senate will do all it can to thwart all Trump administration agenda’s. James Coleman spoke of (3) pressing issues 1. Improving K-12 education curriculum. 2. Protecting body rights. 3. Protecting the “Rights” of undocumented (illegal) immigrants to have access to Colorado resources. Mr. James Coleman is a native Aurora, Coloradan. The Aurora, Colorado that has been infiltrated not only by foreign illegal persons but by American gangs that Aurora lost its safe and family friendly environment to decades prior to the Venezuelan invasion. Mr. Coleman is on record saying “protecting illegal immigrants from the potential deportation round up President elect Donald Trump has vowed to make good on. Mr. Coleman did not speak of any plans to assist the already disenfranchised’s gentrified native Auroran’s that have lost homes and livelihood.

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