P&S Radio Broadcast interview with Rennet & Tabitha Premnath

2 months ago

Rennet & Tabitha have a dynamic ministry out of Madison Illinois. Rennet was transformed back in 2007 after a dramatic encounter with the glory of God, and understood the call of God for his life. After this encounter he started going into the villages and street corners of Chennai, India proclaiming the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. In December of 2012 he moved to Madison to start a new job with his newly wedded wife. In March of 2013 God called him to help out with a church plant in Illinois. So, he and Tabitha traveled week after week to Evangel Church in Hanover Park, IL until 2015 when God moved them to live in Illinois for a period, and take over being pastor of the Indian service. In September 2017 God clearly directed them to return to live in Madison, and leave Evangel. In January 2018 God moved them to Madison, gave a vision for this city, and equipped him to start Life Is Christ Ministries.

In 2016 Tabitha had an encounter with the Holy Spirit that flipped her perception of Christianity. She then understood the importance of the baptism of the Spirit. God dealt with things in her life, and challenged her to live her best life for Him.
She serves alongside her husband in the plans God has led them in since 2012, and continues to do so.

Life Is Christ Ministries is also streamed on The NOW Network

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