P&S Broadcast | Radio Show Interview with Timothy Bence

1 month ago

P&S Radio Broadcast interview with Timothy Bence. Topics: Realms and how to engage Yeshua through the heart, The gateway to faith, The inner knowing, The role of dreams, Impartation for the next generation, The mystery of God's presence.

Timothy Bence started having encounters with the Lord at a very young age. He has experienced many of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and he walks in a rich depth of revelation. His passion is to see others experience the richness of the love of God and to encounter the presence of the Lord in a transformative way. Timothy has helped to start several churches and ministries and has traveled almost every state in the USA, and many other nations thus far preaching and teaching the word of God. Timothy is also the founder of Jubilee Covenant Storehouse, restoring the Tabernacle of David and developing a model for 24 hour prayer, worship, and city transformation. He has helped create ministries that provide aid to orphans, widows, and the poor within self sustainable cities. He has helped start several businesses that are involved in growing food and trade to help create sustainable communities alongside of mission bases. Timothy participates locally in many different citywide efforts to bring unity and one accord to the Body of Christ in the metropolitan area of Oklahoma City. https://www.jubileecovenant.org/events

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