NIELSEN Number are in! SKELTON CREW Worse Viewership Than THE ACOLYTE

1 month ago

Nielsen numbers are in for the premiere of the latest Disney+ Star Wars series, Skeleton Crew, and it’s even worse off than The Acolyte.

This is clearly a problem for Disney and Lucasfilm considering how much was spent to produce the series. Also, when taking into account the reception for the show has been relatively positive for those who have watched it. This indicates that Star Wars is a damaged brand where even having a good show is not enough anymore. Disney has to accept the fanbase they have for Star Wars is significantly lower than what they paid billions for and if they hope to turn a profit on their investment, they need to significantly cut costs.

►Cosmic Book News:
‘Skeleton Crew’ Has Worst Star Wars Ratings On Disney+: Lower Than ‘The Acolyte’

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