Driver's License Is Your Demise

2 months ago

How the state gets you to bend over and comply.....

Anatomy of the commercialization of the living man so that they "can do business with you".

1. You get traffic citations.

2. Plead guilty or no contest and pay these fines to our "municipal organization" or we yank your driving PRIVILEGES.

3. No other options.

Does this sound normal to you?
Did you ever really think about what IT is?

A man who works for a corporation gets to pull you over with his scary red lights, and you know he is armed, and if you don't comply, which means agree under threat and duress to whatever he deems you did wrong, then


And they got you to sign up for this VOLUNTARILY.

Propaganda begins.

"Driving" is commercial.

The mayor of Troy, New York, writes a letter granting permission to operate a horseless carriage up to 6 mph on city streets.

No shock:
1903: New York, the first state to require the registration of motor vehicles (1901), now mandates an operator's certificate, costing $1, which must be carried when driving.

A total of 2382 chauffeurs are licensed.

Massachusetts and Missouri also require nominal licenses.

1904: The New York fee jumps to $2.
(Equals $70 in 2025)

Licensed chauffeurs must wear an oval badge when driving.

Badges become common nationwide.

1907: "Little attention has yet been paid to the right of any man to drive a car," opines the New York Times.

"Something akin to the French system, which is the ideal plan of licensing drivers, furnishing them with official cards with the penalty of revoking the license in addition to a jail sentence for a second or third serious offense, must be enacted in this country."

1909: Pennsylvania sets the age restriction at 18 years for obtaining a license.

1910: The Callan Law requires annual registrations in New York state.

Fees for pleasure vehicles range from $5 to $25, depending on horsepower.

Twenty-thousand chauffeurs take the new road test, driving their own cars or one of the state's.

Let's skip ahead a bit.

1964: Michigan adds a photo to the license. Bureau of Driver and Vehicle Services reports more than 6 million drivers.

1968: North Dakota's 14-year-olds now can keep pace with teeny-bopper peers to the south.

1972: Two years after allowing personalized plates, California adds color photos to licenses.

Mid-1970s: Texas adds photo to license for the first time.

1983: One-third of all licensed drivers are less than 30 years old.

1990: The magnetic stripe appears on California licenses.

1995: Florida enacts graduated driver's licensing for teens.

2007: New York state has 11.3 million drivers.

Enhanced drivers' licenses, which also prove citizenship, are increasingly available (Washington, Michigan, Vermont, and New York)

And so on and so on.

And it just becomes something they get teenagers all jazzed up to do so that at 16, when you're not even legal age to consent to a contract...

They get you.

They create "the person of" by you signing the driver's license contract to obey their statutes.

You volunteered to become "The Person Of" in all the rules, codes, and statues.

When all along for all of time....


Let's go right to the source.

Simmons v United States: "The state cannot convert a right into a privilege, charge a license fee for it and criminalize the actions of anyone who doesn’t acquire the license."

We left the contract.

We drive our private automobiles without volunteering to be governed by policy revenue pirates.

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