
1 month ago

Rabbits make a variety of sounds, including purrs, clucks, hums, squeals, and murmurs:
Purring: A quiet rumble made by gently rubbing their teeth together. Rabbits purr when they're content and happy.
Clucking: A soft, low-pitched sound that's similar to a hiccup or quiet chirrup. Rabbits cluck when they're content or showing appreciation, especially when eating something tasty.
Humming: A sign that a male rabbit is trying to attract a female rabbit.
Squealing: A sound rabbits make when they're in pain.
Murmuring: A sound rabbits make with each other.
Snoring: Rabbits may cluck or chug in their sleep, similar to human snoring.
You can also hear rabbits darting through vegetation or digging if you're close enough.

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