Tariffs as a Tool Against the CCP Are Acceptable

15 hours ago

01/08/2025 AAF President Tim Chapman(@TimChapman): The CCP is as nefarious an actor on the global stage as you can get. While imposing tariffs on China may temporarily affect consumers' ability to purchase certain goods, tariffs are an acceptable and effective tool to counter the CCP.
#CCP #Tariffs #TimChapman #AAF
01/08/2025 美国行动论坛(AAF)主席蒂姆·查普曼:中共是全球舞台上最邪恶的一个角色。尽管对中国征收关税可能在短期内影响消费者购买某些商品的能力,但关税作为对抗中共的工具,是可以接受且行之有效的。
#中共 #关税 #蒂姆·查普曼 #美国行动论坛

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