BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 1/9/2025 The Myth is Canada and US Pt.1 - Doug Force

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9am Part One - The Myth is Canada and the United States- Doug Force

Part One - The Myth of Canada and the the United States is a mini series we ill be addressing the unlawful usurpation of WE the People, through unconstitutional acts and statutes. We will be providing solutions to restoring Canada and the United States to a lawful Constitutional Republic.
Canada “celebrated” its 150th birthday in 2017, it’s long over due to learn some very import facts about its origins which, technically, began with the British North America Act of 1867.

For Canadians, the answers to the following questions should be common knowledge as the content should have been mandatory learning in our education system. There is a reason why it isn’t and The Myth is Canada will expose all of this.

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Doug Force

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