More Eyewitness Video Evidence Of "Strange 'Fog' Being Seen Around The World"

11 hours ago

Eyewitness Video Evidence Of "Strange Fog" Being Seen Around The World

There's a strange fog being seen around the world that is making many people sick with sore throat, dizziness, nausea and loss of voice.

This has something to do with the drones seen before Christmas that many said were spraying the sky and also had a weird smell and taste to it.

Jan. 9, 2025. News, Nanobots, Strange, Smart Dust, Geoengineering, Fog, Nano dyes, Self Assembling, Morgellons, Strange Fog, Tech, Nanotechnology, Nano Tech, Synthetic, Biology, Bill Gates, Morphogenic, The World, Unidentified, Weird, Mist, Depopulation, 2030 Agenda, Vaccination Programs, Vaccines, 5G, Radiation, Toxins, Poisons, Heavy Metals, DNA, multiply, DNA clusters, morphogenic fields, fungus, multilayered, hexagonal structure,


AMERICA is under chemical attack. So are other countries. But I live here, and I see it every day.

We are constantly being bombarded with chemicals that are harmful to our health. Smart Dust is the latest toxin invading our world and our bodies. In this video, it describes all of the ways our food, water and air are no longer smart dust free.

Smart Dust – self-assembling within the human body

According to Harald Kautz-Vella describes Morgellons as fungi that are:

“able to assimilate higher DNA, multiply it and build up a DNA cluster that creates a morphogenic field…

The fungus is using a multilayered hexagonal structure to protect and cover the spore.

These hexagons… are part of synthetic biology research, called self-assembling large area photonic plasmonic crystals… within the human body are hollow fibers that accumulate nanodyes within the fiber and those hexagonal self-assembling large area photonic-plasmonic crystals… both are self-assembling nano-bots

Utility Fog: This is a hypothetical collection of tiny nanobots that can replicate a physical structure. Coined by John Storrs Hall in 1989, utility fog is a form of self-reconfiguring modular robotics. These microscopic robots, or foglets, can extend arms in several directions and perform three-dimensional lattice reconfiguration. They can link to one another through grabbers at the ends of their arms, sharing information and energy to act as a continuous substance with adjustable mechanical and optical properties. Each foglet has substantial computing power and can communicate with its neighbors.
Clouds: Clouds are visible masses of water droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere. They are categorized into high, middle, low, and those with vertical growth. Clouds can be further described by their shape, such as cumulus (puffy, heap-like) and stratus (long, streaky). Clouds can provide clues about upcoming weather conditions.
Nano Clouds: This term is not standard in meteorology or nanotechnology literature. However, it might be a conceptual extension of utility fog, where the foglet form a cloud-like structure with similar reconfiguring and communicative properties.

Jan. 2025, 01/10/2025, 01/10/25, 01/10/2025, 1-10-2025, 1-10-25, 2025-04-10, 2025/1/10, Jan. 10. 2025, Jan. 10th 2025, Jan. 10 2025, January 2025, 2025,

January. 2025, 01/08/2025, 01/08/25, 01/08/2025, 1-8-2025, 1-8-25, 2025-08-01, 2025/1/8, Jan. 08. 2025, Jan. 8th 2025, Jan. 8 2025, January 2025, 2025,

January. 2025, 01/09/2025, 01/09/25, 01/09/2025, 1-9-2025, 1-8-25, 2025-09-01, 2025/1/9, Jan. 09. 2025, Jan. 9th 2025, Jan. 9 2025, January 2025, 2025,

News, Nanobots, Strange, Smart Dust, Geoengineering, Fog, Nano dyes, Self Assembling, Morgellons, Strange Fog, Tech, Nanotechnology, Nano Tech, Synthetic, Biology, Bill Gates, Morphogenic, The World, Unidentified, Weird, Mist, Depopulation, 2030 Agenda, Vaccination Programs, Vaccines, 5G, Radiation, Toxins, Poisons, Heavy Metals, DNA, multiply, DNA clusters, morphogenic fields, fungus, multilayered, hexagonal structure, Viral, News, Trending News, Military drones, drone, war, mysterious drones, Bill Gates, chemtrails, New Jersey, Depopulation, UFOs, US military, The People's Voice, Chemtrail, Geoengineering, stratospheric aerosol Injection, Chemtrails, Blocking The Sun, Geo Engineering, Bill Gates, U.N, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Global Cooling, Crazy, Criminal, Psychopaths, Crimes Against Humanity, Depopulation, Corona Virus, United Nations, Agenda 2030, EMF, Radiation, 5G, 60GHZ, The Vaccine Patent, I'd, ID2020, The War, Depopulation, Stakeholder Capitalism, Finance, Money, Theft, Corruption, Corporate Greed, BlackRock, Banks, Vanguard, State Street, Documentary The Elite Worldwide, Wall Street, Globalization, ESG, DEI, IMF Bank, Conspiracy, Greed, Malevolence, Larry Fink, The United Nations, The Club Of Rome, Klaus Schwab, WEF, World Economic Forum, Neocons, Neoliberals, The New World Order, The Green New Deal, The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, News, Trending, Viral, Podcasts, Politics, NIH, Big Pharma, Health, Life, Death, Freedom, United Nations, World Health organization, New World Order, Dr 'David World War 3, Catastrophic, Suffering, Vaccine, Injuries, AndreCorbeil, Dr, World War, Podcasts, MRNA, WW3, World War, Vaccine Injured, RNA, Emergency, Breaking, Vaccine Injuries, Wars, Global, Catastrophes, Suffering, Vaccine Injuries, Medical Emergency, World War 3, Podcasts, MRNA, Vaccine Injured, RNA, Emergency, Breaking, Vaccine Injuries, War, Global, Catastrophes, Suffering, Vaccine Injuries, Virus, Contagion, The Future, Pandemics, Doctor, Big Pharma, Dr, Viruses, Medical, History, Medical Testing, News, Facts, Doctors, Viral, Delusion, Misdirection, Disinformation, COVID Vaccines, Biological Weapons, mRNA, Vaccine, Depopulation, Truth, Facts, Medical Advice, Medical News, News, Breaking News, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Globalism, NIH, WEF, W.H.O, Science, Health,

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