What is the JUDGEMENT to those who REJECT God? | Sam Shamoun

2 months ago

Will everyones JUDGEMENT be the same to those who reject God ? Christian apologist Sam Shamoun answers

Here we discuss about God’s judgment on the non-believers and believers, and how if they know more compared to people who know less we’ll have a greater or lesser judgment view that will be given on them, depending on their circumstances and what they saw

when we look at the Old Testament, we see that the people who already saw God and spirits appeared to them in front of them and still refused to follow. Good ways will be in a greater judgment because they saw direct proof that he was real and yet still want wanted to rebel compare to other nations who didn’t see him or know him too well in order for them to conclude and be convinced to follow the true God of the Bible in the new testament we see that since Jesus was a final promise given to the people that judgment for rejecting him in his mercy would be greater because they had something all the prophets wanted to witness, and was given to everyone in the land equally and fairly so by them, choosing their fate, and knowing their situation would determine how much greater judgment will come on them

(New Testament / Old Testament)
Matthew 10 verse 15
Matthew 11 verse 20 to 24
Matthew 5 verse 19 to 20
Luke 12 verse 47 to 48
John 19 verse 10 to 11

0:00 judgement to come will everyones punishment be the same?
1:03 The more we receive the greater the judgement
4:33 people be punished more for those who have seen miracles and reject
6:30 Is all sin the same and Who has the greater one?
8:08 Commandment rankings least to greatest
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