Trump goes to Spotsylvania School Board meeting!! Liberals have TDS meltdowns! #TDS #TRIGGERED

2 months ago

Since Nicole Cole on the school board called all Trump supporters clowns last month, it was time to invite trump to come to the school board meeting and of course since he wants to Make America Great Again, he happily obliged.

I talked about what Trump is going to do to the education system, and liberals were in an utter state of PANIC, because all of their liberal agendas are over.

heres the transcript:

hello my name is Shamgar Connors, from voting district 63
and my pronouns are TEEEE / RUMP
“and i've been chugging covfefe.”

People are saying this school board is ruining America. And I'm here to tell you that, although you seem like very fine people, I tend to agree. its ok because DONALD J TRUMP, THE MAGA KING, IS ABOUT TO FIX ALL OF THE EDUCATION PROBLEMS IN AMERICA!!

when spotsy sends liberals to the school board, they're not sending their best. but Trump is going to take the very best people, the absolute best, with high energy and stamina, everyone agrees, and place them in the schools to fix all of the problems. we are going to win BIGLY.

Last month Nicole Cole was heard during her comment time, calling all trump supporters in the area clowns.
trump had the majority of votes in spotsy. so, Nicole Cole was calling over 41,000 of her constituents clowns. very professional, very cool

but i digress. the majority of americans spoke, Trump won the election, which directly effects all schools in this country. im here as an OFFICIAL AGENT OF MAGA, to inform the school board how the STABLE GENIUS of Trump is on full display with this 10 step education reform plan. Trump is very highly educated. he knows words, he has the best words. he knows success better than anyone.

first lets talk about DOGE. DOGE is going look at the school boards after he has Linda McMahon give the Dept of Education a choke slam followed by a tombstone pile driver. because trump is eradicating the federal department of education.

Federal funds follow the child - there will be school vouchers and school CHOICE since many schools have become communist training grounds. capitalism will once again prevail and produce better educated kids. marxism is destroyed instantly.

there will be no more social justice warriors, that are really just marxist revolutionaries, that want to destroy america and influence our children.

No more DEI, CRT and SEL’s
this may upset the new superintendent because he wanted to focus his hiring practices in the county on DEI. sorry supes, not gonna happen!!!! plus your previous DEI hires like the immigrant pedophile that was sodomizing children on the busses didnt work out that well either.

There will be no more political indoctrination from radical leftists with their blm and LGBTQ flags. no more being taught to hate their country but to love it.

there will be IMMEDIATE EXPULSION for any student that harms a teacher or another student!

trump is also going to ask congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the united states government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth. no more 'neo-pronouns' like Xe, Xir, Mx, Fae, faers and etc.

Trump also said (read in trump voice) "We are going to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the shoulders of our children. and I will keep men out of women's sports"

there will also be a new reporting system and a voting system for parents so that if teachers or administrators are not doing their jobs properly, they can be easily reported and (in trumps voice) YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!

now if you dont like that, dont worry, the peoples republic of (hand signal) CHY-NA will be glad to have you!! you would probably be happier in a communist country where you have to be careful what you say at all times anyway! SMILEYFACE

“I wish you all a merry Christmas, including all haters and losers.”


2 scoops, 2 genders, 2 terms!!!!!

its time to make education great again


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