World of Dragons and Dinosaurs 🦕 Scenic travel through the prehistoric planet Earth

1 month ago

Only in this video we will see the most famous Dragons and Dinosaurs in history. You will learn with Mila what dragons and dinosaurs existed in the past, what they looked like and what interesting facts are associated with them. We are accustomed to the world in which we live. And sometimes it is difficult for us to imagine that our planet was once inhabited by creatures completely unusual for modern humans. We are talking about dinosaurs.
Many millions of years ago, unique creatures lived on land, in water and in the air. We can imagine them thanks to the found fossilized remains, from which scientists collect entire skeletons.
In total, paleontologists have discovered 700 species of these animals so far. However, it is widely believed that discoveries in this area of archeology are not over and that we will meet new representatives of these amazing animals ahead!
So, what types of dinosaurs do we know that inhabited our planet millions of years ago?
Tyrannosaurus T-rex is the most famous species of dinosaur, the "King of dinosaurs." Lived 70-66 million years ago in western North America. The most popular dinosaur was a predator, a scavenger, reaching 12 meters from the nose to the end of the tail and weighing over 5 tons.
Velociraptor is a predatory dinosaur, a little similar to T-Rex, but much smaller in size - only 2 meters in length and weighing up to 20 kilograms. Lived 80-70 million years ago. Based on some specimens discovered on the territory of modern Mongolia, scientists realized that these dinosaurs had feathers, despite the fact that they could not fly.
Spinosaurus - one of the largest predators, lived in the North Africa region approximately 100-90 million years ago. It is notable for its upwardly elongated spine, reminiscent of a sail.
Surprisingly, scientists have still not come to a consensus on the purpose of such a hump: there are different versions - for thermoregulation, for protection and scaring off enemies, or to increase attractiveness during the mating season. With a height of up to 8 meters and a length of 16-18 meters, Spinosaurus had a mass of 10 tons, although paleontologists claim that the weight of some spinosaurs could be close to 20 tons.
Brachiosaurus is the most well-studied sauropod that lived approximately 150-145 million years ago in Europe, Africa, and North America. The brachiosaurus weighed more than 35 tons and was about 25 meters long. This one of the largest dinosaurs was a herbivore with a long neck and a disproportionately small skull. In structure, this giant resembled a modern giraffe - only the Brachiosaurus, of all dinosaurs, had longer forelegs than the hind legs. And the long neck was ideal for finding enough food for such a giant.
Diplodocus - one of the longest dinosaurs (35 meters) lived 155-145 million years ago in North America and was slightly shorter than the Brachiosaurus - 10 meters. Moreover, most of the length and weight of this herbivore fell on its long and massive tail, which served as a good means of protection against predators.
Triceratops - One of the most recognizable dinosaurs, weighing from 7 to 13 tons, lived in North America approximately 70-66 million years ago. This herbivorous animal had a distinct and memorable appearance: a bony collar around the head with three horned growths.
Thanks to its massive body up to 3 meters high and a powerful collar, Triceratops was protected from predators, although paleontologists find damage from tyrannosaurs on the legs of the found remains.
Stegosaurus lived approximately 150 million years ago in America, Africa and Eurasia. Weight comparable to modern elephants (up to 7 tons). A distinctive feature is a crest of bone plates on the back, which helped scare off enemies. In addition, two pairs of spikes up to 1 meter long at the end of the tail helped to protect themselves from predators.
These are the main, but far from the only species of mysterious animals that inhabited our planet. Undoubtedly, the issue of the extinction of dinosaurs is one of the main mysteries of our planet.
Watch this video to learn more about dragons and dinosaurs!

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