Flat Tire Caused by Andrew Ditch (September 2023)

19 hours ago

Begin at 1:20
Andrew pretends to panic and cry after a flat tire. By 2:33 Andrew is barely able to hide his laughter. Due to the fact that Andrew had been talking about having a flat tire earlier that day, it is highly likely that Andrew tampered with the tire prior to it going flat.

For a longer version, see “ Andrew Ditch Tampered With His Father's Tire, Causing It To Pop While Driving” on this channel:
https://rumble.com/v67ev7v-andrew-ditch-tampered-with-his-fathers-tire-causing-it-to-pop-while-driving.html )

Original title: had a meltdown in the car emergency and my dad and brother didn't help me and yelling at me [DoXc47t_JTg]
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: September 4, 2023

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