Shamgar Connors Spotsylvania School Board SUPER SECRET SUPER SERVICE INVADES BOARD MEETING! 1-8-2024

2 months ago

Hey everyone I'm back with another amazing speech for you all.

This time I went as an agent of the "Super Secret Super Service". This was to again highlight how the liberals want all sorts of sexualized content in the schools with the books in schools they keep begging to keep in, despite the laws clearly stating these books are not age appropriate and they are actually ILLEGAL to have in the schools!

I have heard lots of liberals try to come up with excuses to not let me speak at the meetings. They claim I don't have a right to speak, but only because they want to silence me. So I started out the speech with stating why I am allowed to speak at the meetings.

First off i would like to give my origin story.

Nicole Cole had posted to her fakebook, asking people from Spotsylvania county to go to the Stafford school board meetings. It was Nicole Cole all along!!!!! Thank you Nicole Cole for advocating for cross - county representation.

I would also like to let everyone know I am a taxpayer in Spotsylvania county. I have every right to speak at the board meetings, which is also backed up by the 1st amendment. You can also read the brown act, which lays out the legal groundwork, and also the open meeting law Code of Virginia § 2.2-3707

So I have every right to speak. Will the liberals care? No! They will just come up with more excuses to ban free speech, because they are the true fascists.

Below is what I was saying and the rest that I wanted to say before I was interrupted multiple times. If you go watch the live feed, you will notice none of the other liberal speakers are ever interrupted.

*Start playing music

I knew last week when Marcus Garcia by thanking me for wearing my suit, my cover was blown. it’s time to admit the truth. I am an agent of the Super Secret Super Service, the highest level of the secret service and we work in coordination with the CIA, FBI, and DHS, FAA, FCC, FDA, EPA, (and more!)

We know that its public knowledge that the secret service was listed in the official Epstein files as having gone to Epstein’s Island, where bill Clinton went 50 times, and it was stated by witness testimony that he liked to have sex with underage girls.

We know its public knowledge that the FBI set up the fake insurrection on Jan 6th.

We know its public knowledge that the CIA was working with Epstein and procuring children for high powered politicians and famous people.

So now they have told me that I have to tell the truth of their operations in Spotsylvania. it’s to get all books unbanned and to prevent any books from ever getting banned again, especially the ones that break the law. this way if everyone can be convinced that this stuff is ok, people like bill Clinton and pedo joe Biden will be able to lower the age of consent and not get into any legal trouble.

The first thing we ask all parents to do is to never read the books for themselves. that way they can’t get upset about the rape, porn, beastiality, and incest in the books that were removed.

A good example is Marcus Garcia - he suspects everything is taken out of context, lacks context, lacks history - yet he has never read any of the books for himself. (he stated this at the last school board meeting)

The commander of the 1st special operations command needs children to read porn, beastiality, incest, and rape in schools. Sorry if you don’t like it, it’s just how it is. He was right when he said that.

The higher ups tell me that the only way to get a special clearance nowadays, is to make sure that you have read sexualized content deemed inappropriate by Virginia laws, in public schools. I don’t make the rules, this is just what they need. When they interview you to get a secret clearance, they will say 'this is a matter of national security, have you read these books as a child with porn, rape, incest, and bestiality in them?" - if you answer no you don’t get the clearance anymore, sorry, its policy.

So, your mission, Spotsylvania school board, if you choose to accept it, is to make sure we put all books back in the schools, and make sure no other books ever get banned again. The people and clients on the list of Epstein’s Island are counting on you.

The Super Secret Super Service and other federal agencies need more people like him advocating for a complete restoration of books into schools, which were taken out because they were deemed actually illegal by their content, because that will help them achieve their goals.

The goal is convincing students and parents to lower the age of consent. The head cheese top brass calls it 'elastic minds, and critical thinkers.'

Exposing the liberal hypocrisy is fun! Also, I did not get to say it in the video, but Jesus Christ is the way the truth the life!! Jesus is KING!!

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