Shamgar Connors Spotsylvania school board 10-9-2023 LEGENDARY speech, AS THE MASK FAIRY!!

2 months ago

back at the Spotsylvania school board again, this time ACCELERATING THE COWABUNGA, as the MASK FAIRY!! yes everyone dont forget to wear your face diaper!!

yes the face diapers that the liberals on this school board FORCED children to wear which has already been proven to have harmed child growth and development in school!

here you can see me talk and point out more hypocrisy coming from liberals, while being the BEST liberal on the planet LOL! all i do is just speak for them what they truly think and feel!!

the speaker before me was a woke 'military man' - no wonder why nobody respects our military anymore, when you have a guy going up and speaking and making personal attacks at me basically calling me a NOT SEE, meanwhile he wants his 4 year old and every other child to read pr00n, beastiality, ra4y3p, incest, and pedophilia in schools because he said 'no books should ever be banned'

so i pointed out how insane that was. and some other pointers on what some of the woke liberals on the school board want for children. aka they want masks and vaxx passports, and more!

after i spoke, some black folks that got up there and said that THIS IS AMERICA AND WE SHOULDNT BAN ANY BOOKS OR ANY SPEECH!! but in the very next sentence said i should be banned from talking HAHAHAHAHAH

if liberals didn't have double standards, they wouldnt have ANY standards.

i uploaded the entire feed - at the end you can see me walking out LIKE A BOSS!!!


Also if you want to detox the vaxx from your system, buy fulvic + humic acid.

I made my own shop for this, its the kind I use and I have been giving out to people - and people that have taken it do notice a significant difference in how they feel.

If you have been following me, you know I am trying to sue UVA so here is the link to the givesendgo:

God Bless everyone! Keep fighting for our children and their future!

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