spotsylvania va school board 6-13-2022 shamgar connors speaks

2 months ago

I went to the spotsylvania va school board meeting and spoke. one of the board directors, nicole cole, had made a facebook post sharing completely fake information, sharing fake news. what she said was racist and evil.

these people at these school board meetings need to be held accountable if they want to post things publicly and spread fake news.

the full video of the school board meeting is here:

the article about nicole cole with screenshots of her facebook post before she DELETED it against FOIA requests and ethics violation are here:

in this video i highlight some of the main fallacies of her post - and heres the deal, if i can be on dialysis and have poor health but take the time to stand up to these evil people running our schools and hold them accountable, you can as well!! we need to take our country back and fight for our children!

also for my kidney journey its been a long time since i updated - i am trying to take uva to court, we do need help. my wife had foot surgery and then we had some water flooding issues at the house so i have been taking care of everything on top of dialysis and thats why nobody has heard from me much she has been unable to walk. if you want to help out you can here at the givesendgo link:

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