Where's my Phone!

1 month ago

Witness the hilarious and relatable struggles of living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in this lighthearted satire! From the constant anxiety of losing things (like my phone... again) to the comical misunderstandings that come with an attention disorder, I'm laughing with ADHD and inviting you to do the same. Humor therapy has never been more needed, and I'm using comedy to tackle my attention deficit hyperactivity disorder experiences head-on. Join me in this mindful comedy sketch as I poke fun at the absurdities of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder life, and let's find the humor in our struggles together. Laugh therapy has never felt so good!

All support is appreciated, Thank you!
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Website - www.ToSpeakOnline.com
Instagram - www.instagram.com/charleslorenrandolph/
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Facebook - www.facebook.com/CharlesLorenRandolph/
- www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61567776500725

PayPal - www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/8Q3ZFRU842Z7N

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