Empowering Morning Routines

2 months ago

Take control of the morning so you take control of your day
Own the morning so you can own your day
Start your day right so the rest of your day falls into place
Schedule that time It's more important than anything
Sleep 30 minutes less if you need to
Start every day with at least 5 minutes of powerful energy
5 minutes of positive energy first thing in the morning can change your entire day
You need to commit now to start every day with the mindset of someone who loves life
The mindset of someone who is going to win the day no matter what happens
You won't lose you will win or you will learn you will win the day
Your first job as soon as you rise is to give thanks
Give thanks you are alive
Give thanks for everything you do have
Set your intentions for the day set your goals for the day
Give thanks in advance for the things you want
Put that intention out into the world
Thank you for this day
Thank you for the amazing opportunities coming my way
Thank you for the character I show today
Thank you for every smile today
Wake up with intention by setting those intentions the night before
Wake up with only positive intentions
The morning is not the time for phones not the time for work or problem solving
The morning is the time to get in sync with what you want
Create an unbreakable morning routine a consistent routine that will soon bring consistent results

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