With Dr. Carol Swain & Jay Bolton

21 days ago

Dr. Carol Swain, Author of “The Gay Affair: Harvard, Plagiarism, and the Death of Academic Integrity”

I discussed with Dr. Carol Swain the extraordinary story of a plagiarist who stole her intellectual property and used it to ride an affirmative action train to become the president of Harvard University when discovered to have engaged in one of the most egregious crimes in academia.
I was forced to resign. It's a tremendous book entitled The Gay Affair, I commend it to everyone.

Captain Jay Bolton, Founder, US Maritime Foundation

I discussed with Captain Jay Bolton the state of the US maritime power, the dire condition of our shipbuilding industry, the strategic peril of having the Chinese effectively owning the Panama Canal, and what we must do to right the proverbial ship, both with respect to our industrial base, as well as access to and assured use of that strategic, that vital strategic waterway.

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