Wow! AI generated advertising getting slick

30 days ago

First off - Happy New Year!

I recently saw this website on "get your free numerology reading". What interested me was how they incorporated my personal data into the video 'reading'.

It looks so customized!

Super slick!!!

Instantaneous AI generation?

I am guessing it's not that difficult to do.

Initially I felt the reading was spot on. And then I recognized my ego was being stroked big time and most of it was generalities. I do think there is some merit in numerology, but this is not it.

When I saw the clickbank logo in the bottom corner I knew it was going to be bullshit.

It leads to a $37 report. I recommend using fake name and data, but have a look at the slickness of this.

I'm sure you are aware hackers don't just get your FB stuff, they collect a bunch on you from mulitple breaches, and build profiles - just like the intelligence agencies. I'm guessing that as scammers start building detailed profiles on you there will be all kinds of customized 'products' that push your buttons coming very soon.

I think the levels of psych manipulation will get way more intense.

Oh! here is a link to Glenn Meder’s Privacy Academy - super good stuff there. He shows you how to be more private online so building a profile on you is more difficult. His main audience are older, less techy, boomers - so if that’s you… he does a great job of going slowly step by step.

For fun, here is a YT'er who debunked the numerology process by doing the numerology for Hitler and Trump. Ha, ha super funnY! (NOTE I accidently said “Amazon review” in the video - yes, a mistake! it means I’m human).

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