Last Night on UFOTWITTER Angels Demons and Aliens with Bishop John Long

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About tonight's Featured Guest:
I am Bishop James Long, the Presiding Archbishop for the United States Old Catholic Church. It is an honor to have this opportunity to share my journey with you.

I was born and raised in Louisville, KY, within the Roman Catholic tradition. From a young age, I felt a deep calling to serve the church and knew that I wanted to become a priest. Even as a child of just five years old, the path before me was clear.

As I grew older, my thirst for knowledge and understanding led me to delve into the realms of demonology. At the age of nine, I began earnestly studying books on this topic, embarking on a lifelong journey to explore the depths of theology and demonology.

After completing high school, I felt compelled to spend a few years working before fully dedicating my life to the church. Eventually, I accepted God's calling and enrolled in the Roman Seminary. It was at Loyola University in Chicago where I obtained my undergraduate degree while continuing my seminary studies at the graduate level.

During this time, I received my Minor Orders from the Roman Catholic Church. However, it was also during this transformative period that I felt a clear message from God, a beckoning to serve within the Old Catholic Church. Through spiritual discernment and profound prayer, I humbly accepted this divine call.

Within the United States Old Catholic Church, I have been ordained as a Deacon, Priest, and consecrated to the Episcopacy. With great joy and conviction, I stand before you today, armed with a 110-page document attesting to my Apostolic Succession.

About Director Darcy Weir

Diving into the chaos of UFOTwitter like a fearless spelunker, Darcy Weir is a documentary filmmaker who over the past two decades has chosen to explore some of the most intriguing topics of discussion today, including UFOs, Cryptids, and even Bitcoin. He has completed over 15 feature-length documentaries on these topics, all of which are available on Amazon Prime and Apple. His goal is to make the world of UFOs more accessible to the general public by shedding light on the subject in new ways. Enjoy fresh conversations with him on Twitter. Join the Twitter Space to share in the conversation.

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About Andy Marcial

Andy is a researcher of 20+ yrs who was forced down the rabbit hole after very personal and life changing close encounters which started in Puerto Rico. His entire life, all he has done, is try to understand what he saw and why he went through what he went through. It changed him and showed him that there is an entire reality out there beyond human comprehension. It also drove him to reach out to others like himself because of how psychologically damaging this can be. He also recently leaked three Department of Homeland Security videos to the public, which were controversial, but officially recognized as UAP by Customs and Border Patrol in August of 2023. Andy doesn't do what he does for any other reason than to open the minds of anyone willing to listen and to show those affected by this phenomenon that they are not alone.

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