Shackles of Deception: Dr. Myles Munroe and the Scattered Tribes

2 months ago

#drmylesmunroe #mylesmunroeteachings #mylesmunroelegacy #TruthAndIdentity #TruthInEvangelism

Dr. Myles Munroe: A Reflection on Truth and Deception. In this episode, I touch on my heartfelt reflection on Dr. Myles Munroe and the truth for Israel. I share my heartfelt feedback while watching a video by Dr. Myles Munroe, one of Christianity’s mighty voices.

Thirty minutes in, I felt a profound sense of melancholy, knowing how these prominent figures—intentionally or innocently—have been used to keep the wool over the eyes of Israel and Judah, scattered to the four corners of the earth.

As our people awaken to the truth of their identity, obstacles arise: controlled opposition within Hebrew Israelite camps, cointelpro tactics in the Hebrew awakening, and the lingering effects of the Anglo-Saxon crusades and global evangelism.

When will our people break free from the lies and deceptions that have shackled us for generations? This episode calls for reflection, discernment, and a deeper pursuit of the truth for the House of Israel and Judah.

Do you believe our people will ever be free from deception? Please share your thoughts and let’s discuss how to break these shackles together.

Share this episode with anyone seeking to uncover the truth and break free from generational deception.

~ Shalom

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