Tomorrow's World Presentation - Sunday Dec 8, 2013 - 3:30PM

1 month ago

As a Tomorrow's World magazine subscriber, you are invited to a powerful, live, on-line Tomorrow's World Presentation by the Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith. This is your personal invitation to hear Dr. Meredith explain from the Bible what today's news headlines are all about, and what God says is in store for our nations in the years to come. Your Bible reveals that we are living in perilous times, but your Bible also reveals the Good News of Jesus Christ's return and the Kingdom of God! You will not want to miss this live Internet event! Register now!
For more than 60 years, Dr. Meredith has powerfully proclaimed the truth of God to millions through his hundreds of articles and booklets. In addition to overseeing an international, multilingual work, Dr. Meredith has personally conducted evangelistic campaigns throughout the United States, Canada, and the British Isles and has been broadcast over radio and television to the entire English-speaking world. Don't miss this special opportunity to hear a dedicated minister of Christ discuss today's events in light of clear Bible prophecy!

Like all Tomorrow's World offerings, this presentation is absolutely free. No one will ask you for money, and no one will ask you to "join" anything. This informative event has been made possible thanks to the generosity of Tomorrow's World supporters.

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