follow up

2 months ago

I last saw my grandma on her 90th birthday.

It was beautiful.

9 kids.

19 grandkids.

Over 30 great grandkids.

She looked over all the life she created and cried tears of joy.

A woman’s purpose complete.

A life fulfilled.

Never once did anyone mention her “career”.

She died this morning.

Since my dad (her son) died, her final wish was to see Tristan and I.

"The Tate boys! I miss em! They're just like Emory!"

We were unable to see her, as for the last 3 years we've been travel banned by the Romanian state, for crimes Romanian judges admit DO NOT EXIST.

She died without seeing us, her final wish, for no reason at all.

This is evil.

Prices must be paid.

She will be buried in Alabama along with my father.

RIP Grandma.

Or as Dad used to call you...

"The Original Ninja"

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