January 8th - There's simply no way fungus does that....says nearly every scientist.

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Doug Talks About: There's simply no way fungus does that....says nearly every scientist.

Says Harvard Medical School, “To understand how a given disease arises at the most basic level and how it progresses through various stages, researchers must induce the disease in animal models.” OK, but how do you give a rat liver cancer? So often fungal poisons, called “mycotoxins” are used to accomplish this. We give animals diseases like diabetes and cancer with fungus! Why is it then, that these same brilliant minds at Harvard haven’t figured out that animals are used for this purpose because they are so much like we humans? And what would induce cancer in a rat would also induce cancer in a human, otherwise why kill all of these rats? It is time to tell it like it is, because thousands of research papers and even our own Center for Disease Control (CDC) now state that so often fungus causes our diseases, yet there remains an uncomfortable “hush” about this within the halls of science! Please join me on Wednesday from 3-4PM Central Time and let me share some vintage graphics I used long ago on TV to support the notion that when all else fails to get you better, it’s time for you to think FUPO (Fungus Until Proven Otherwise)! I’ll also share a recent short video in which two doctors are confirming my fungus link to cancer hypothesis. Do you have questions? Get them in early! I’m excited to share this with you and your loved ones! - Doug


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