28 days ago

👇🏽Hidden Truth: Only Those on Your Frequency Can Affect You!
(The Secret to Remaining Unaffected by Others)

- No one can interfere with you unless you match their frequency

- If you spot it, you got it

- If you want to understand the secrets of the Universe, understand the laws of frequency and vibration

- If someone triggers you, it means you matched their frequency and their is an aspect in your dna that is resonating with it

- This truth ends victim mode.

- So no one has control over you, but you. If someone triggers you good!

- It’s an opportunity to look within and clear the DNA/energy/karma/trauma and to lift your frequency to a dimensional reality where there is only love and you have cleared the trigger within your DNA so you can look with compassion on what used to trigger you.

- Because the triggers are simply programming/conditioning based upon fear. False Evidence Appearing Real.

- We are literally here to trigger the shit out of each other until there is no more triggers, just love.

Follow and watch my previous videos for more.

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