Does Authenticity Set You Free in Life?

2 months ago

Does Authenticity Set You Free in Life?
We talk about what it means to be authentic and how can you be more authentic in your daily life. Also, why is authenticity important in relationships and what are the benefits of living authentically. We discuss how to be authentic at work and how to be your true self in relationships (also why lying destroys relationships and why lying is dangerous).
Do you ask how do I know if I'm being true to myself? We think authenticity leads to greater happiness but there are the challenges of being authentic in today's society. So how does authenticity impact mental health and what role does authenticity play in leadership? We will help you discover how to overcome the fear of being authentic. Authenticity is fundamental to relationships, communication, and success – for individuals, teams, and organizations.

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My guest is Mike Robbins, the author of Focus on the Good Stuff, Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, Nothing Changes Until You Do, Bring Your Whole Self to Work, and We're All in This Together. He teaches the power of authenticity (the lies we tell and why we lie), and authentic leadership.

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