2 months ago

Ryu and Ken are two of the main characters in the *Street Fighter* franchise, created by Capcom. Both are masters of a fighting style based on *Shotokan*, a traditional martial art, and share many movements, such as *Hadouken* and *Shoryuken*.

- **Ryu**: He is a serious and disciplined fighter, with a strong search for self-development. His goal is to become the best fighter, and he travels the world looking for challenges to improve his skills.

- **Ken**: Ryu's best friend and rival, Ken is a more extroverted and irreverent fighter. Although he also trained in the same fighting style, he is more focused on winning competitions and protecting his family, who have a large fortune.

The two characters have a bond of friendship and rivalry, often fighting side by side, but also competing to outdo each other.

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